Author: admin

  • On The Air

    On The Air

    Last week I was a guest on Fetewei Tarekegn’s radio show The Minority Report. We discussed the sense and nonsense of dating in Berlin in the Tinder era. The Minority Report is a monthly show on Reboot FM hosted by Fetewei Tarekegn, recorded at Acud Macht Neu in Berlin.

  • Dancing dishes in Schloss Hollenegg

    Dancing dishes in Schloss Hollenegg

    The past week I accompanied artist and designer Omer Polak to Schloss Hollenegg in Austria to work on his piece LaZuz for the design/art exhibition ADMENSM that opens next week. The piece consists of a number of dishes and cups that ‘dance’ on a dining table. To make this magic happen we used eight Thymio robots that I…

  • Not Just Hemingway

    Not Just Hemingway

    I talked about my favorite short story for the podcast Not Just Hemingway! The podcast of Dieuwke van Turenhout aims to popularize the short story format in The Netherlands, by showing how many great short stories there are from all around the world. I discussed the great short story “The chosen one” by Puerto Rican writer…

  • Nanotube


    For the Nano Technology platform Nanotube of the University of Twente I developed a Youtube series about nano technology and its many futuristic possibilities. Watch the videos here!

  • Charlottesville article

    Charlottesville article

    For Dutch magazine De Groene Amsterdammer I wrote a short article about the tragic events in Charlottesville. Read it here. Or read my extended blog post about my visit to Charlottesville one week after here.

  • Yes, I started blogging

    Yes, I started blogging

    What’s moving to another country without keeping a blog? Yes, it is a cliché, but I promise, I’ll try to filter out the obvious observations as much as I can – big coffee cups, big portions, big cars (the keyword’s big here) – to hopefully get to something more insightful quicker. I’ve been meaning to…

  • My American dream

    My American dream

    I’m admitted to the Creative Writing MFA of Boston University! Yes, I secretly applied, and no, I didn’t tell many people, because I didn’t think I stood much of a chance. I still can hardly believe it, but I’ll start in the Fall of 2017 and will be in Boston for two semesters and a…

  • Christmas in Seoul

    Christmas in Seoul

    I’ll be spending Christmas and New Year’s in Korea! Coming month I’m invited to be a writer in residency at the Seoul Art Space Yeonhui, a small artists colony in the center of the capital. A great chance to continue working on my novel and meet a lot of Korean writers. I can’t wait!

  • Resident Bart

    Resident Bart

    I’m invited to the Martha’s Vineyard Writers Residency in October! The Noepe Center for Literary Arts awarded me the Carol Wagner Smith Scholarship to do a two week residency in Edgartown, Massachusetts. I’m thrilled to be given the chance to work on my English stories. Finally I have the perfect excuse to be back in…

  • A Dutch short story with a girls’ name

    A Dutch short story with a girls’ name

    Yesterday I published my short story Jantine on the Dutch blog Hard//Hoofd. The illustration was made by Dutch artist Lune van der Meulen, and I think it captures the awkwardness of the story perfectly! The introduction reads: ‘The first high school love affair, the first kiss, de first break-up: everybody has vivid memories of these…

  • Newborn in print

    Newborn in print

      A few months ago my short story Mister Hobson’s Mustache got selected by Writer’s Digest for publication in their 16th Annual Writer’s Digest Short Short Story Competition Collection and today I got the book. My very first publication in English! Isn’t it beautiful? And, coincidentally, also my very first publication in print. Two milestones all…