The Apple Core

“The Apple Core” (in Dutch “Het Klokhuis”) is an institute of Dutch children’s television and has been aired every week-day since 1988. Each episode is a mini-documentary about any topic that might be of interest for children between seven and twelve, from extraterrestrial life to bullying in school to medieval sword forging.

The three parts of the documentary are interspersed by short comical sketches in the theme of the episode and this script is for one of those scenes from the episode about “sand sculpting”.

My contributions

I wrote the sketch The Sandman (min. 6:35) to accompany the episode about Sand-sculpturing. Read the (translated) screenplay here.

For the theme Swords, I wrote the sketch The Adventures of Bryan the Brave (min 8:58) about a modern-day knight looking for good deeds to perform in a small suburban city. Read the (translated) teleplay here.